What do I get?
Your very own sword and shield, obvs. First drop is just 30 1st editions, 2nd editions dropping soon after.
Membership to a unique, friendly and growing community.
Invite to weekly gaming sessions on the Discord. Whether you wanna hang out in 8-bit land, jump onto an FPS or team up in a MMORPG - we're in. Down the line, when play-to-earn games gain traction, you've got a guild of supportive players right here! WAGMI!
We will donate 10% of all royalty profits to our carefully selected charity, Special Effect. This fantastic charity help make video games accessible to those with physical disabilities. Read more here.
Future airdrops (currently only to 1st edition holders) - we're thinking characters that suit your Sword and Shield combination. Elf? Cool. Wizard? Even cooler! Bored ape? No, don't be ridiculous.
We have a network of web3 professionals and are currently looking into using the revenue to implement these into actual useable items in actual games/metaverses like Sandbox. Stay tuned.
OK, fine. Here's a sneak peak:
Why swords and shields?
Good question. We love NFTs. We love video games. We love 8-bit artwork. We geek out over swords, shields and other weapons and loot in games. Oh, and just the small detail of crypto gaming being the future of, well, everything. So for us - it was a no-brainer ⚔️❤️
Why on Polygon?
It's gas free, dude. That gas has been killing us lately 💀
Who are you?
See below 👇
What are your plans with this?
All we can promise is that we are here to stay, and we want to grow. We are first selling the first 30 editions and bringing people into the community. Then we will use the funds and our connections in the web3 space to inject the next step. Ultimately, the community will decide where we go next. See above for more details 🚀
Where can I get equppied with my Sword and Shield?
On OpenSea, right now ✅
Who are you?
My name is Harry, but in the metaverse I'm known as Mr Crisp. I'm from the UK. I'm an artist primarily, and got into web design a few years ago. Now I'm all in on web3 and have an extensive network of amazing people from around the globe who are willing to help me, and this project, grow.
I'm passionate about collaboration, so come and say hi @TheMrCrisp
© MrCrisp. All rights reserved.